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PhoneNet PC card

I aquired a ISA PhoneNet PC card. Here are some pictures. There are manuals and software with it too!

I’m wondering? is there anyone with experiance with these cards? Will they work under Windows XP. And what about Linux. If under Linux I could maybe build my own AppleTalk / TCP/IP router???

Here are some pictures. There are manuals and software with it too. It has a DB-9 connector and a PhoneNet dongle. On the card number:

Apple Computer 1986/87
LocalTalk PC Card
Serial number: A90010662


Probaly this one… Found on:

Apple LocalTalk PC Card

Apple’s official LocalTalk PC card: Half-size ISA card, contains a 6502 processor and Zilog 8530 controller. Set of eight dip swiches for setting IRQ and IO address. LocalTalk (RS-422 serial) interface is a 9 pin D socket, using the same LocalTalk/PhoneNet box as the Mac 128/512. Card is silk screened as “AppleTalk PC Card”, copyright date 1986. Model number 630-0113. The card labelled 630-5306 appears to be identical.




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